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We are open to discuss mergers with suitable law firms or engaging sole practitioners as consultants to work at one of our branch offices on either a full-time or part-time basis.         

If you would like to arrange a confidential discussion on the possibility of a merger or a consultancy please contact Vin Goldrick on email:           


Solicitors are encouraged to contact Vin Goldrick by email:


Legal Clerk Program          

Our firm has a policy to encourage law students to engage in practical legal experience early in their legal studies .We engage a panel of full-time, part-time and casual legal clerks across our branch office network.   


Secondment of our solicitors or legal clerks to your organisation for a special project or fixed period can be arranged. Use of our staff can provide a cost effective or short term solution when extra in-house legal support is required. The exchange can also lead to greater industry awareness from both sides of the equation. We have provided in-house legal services for short periods as well as longer periods on a part-time basis. Examples of our prior legal secondments include our lawyers working with Macquarie Bank, Pacific Power, the Australian Army and Special Commissions of Inquiry         

If you are interested in a placement please contact Vin Goldrick by email:

Support Staff          

Careers at Goldrick Farrell Mullan include roles in Accounts, Front Office Reception, IT and Secretarial Support.                 

Transcription Typing Services          

We use the latest remote digital dictation and transcription systems. In addition to workplace based typist we maintain a panel of experienced transcription typists working part time and/or from home.          

     HEAD OFFICE:                                                   NORTH SHORE BRANCH:                                            NORTH SHORE                                                CENTRAL COAST

     Suite 1203/370 Pitt                                              Suite 19, 25-29 Hunter                                                   INTERVIEWS:                                                    BRANCH: 

     Street SYDNEY NSW                                          Street                                                                             Ground Floor, 465 Victoria Avenue                     53 Renwick Street

     2000                                                                     HORNSBY NSW 2077                                                  CHATSWOOD NSW 2067                                  WYOMING NSW 2250          

     Tel: 61 9267 7311                                                Tel: 61 2 9477 6800                                                        Tel:61 2 9413 2600                                            Tel: 61 2 4328 4240

     Freecall: 1300 732 887                                      Email:                                                Website:

     GFM Law Pty Ltd t/as Goldrick Farrell Mullan ABN 72 003 962 150 

     Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. Legal practitioners employed by GFM Law Pty Ltd are members of the scheme.


        Copyright Goldrick Farrell Mullan Lawyers 2024    |      All rights reserved      |     Disclaimer

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