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Company Law

Team Leader

David Farrell 


Contact Details


Phone: +61 2 9267 7311   

Interviews by arrangement at:

Sydney CBD

370 Pitt Street

North Shore Office


North Shore Interviews

Central Coast Office


Goldrick Farrell Mullan offers comprehensive advisory services for private and public companies, public sector entities and incorporated associations.   

Corporate regulation is a complex area and we aim to understand our client’s business to ensure we give practical, cost effective advice. We are particularly experienced in the restrictive trade practices area and the potential anti-competitive effects of supply, licensing and distribution arrangements concerning intellectual property rights.  

Areas of expertise include: 

  • Fund raising including listing and associated disclosure requirements 

  • Mergers and acquisitions 

  • Sale of business by share sale agreements 

  • Shareholder agreements and joint venture structures 

  • Corporate governance including compliance with the listing rules of the ASX Risk Management 

  • Employee share schemes 

  • Corporations Act compliance 

  • Rights, powers and duties of Directors, Officers and Auditors 

  • Compliance with various statutes including Privacy Act, FOI and Workplace Surveillance. 

GFM projects include: 

  • Advising a major Australian Bank on risks relating to service contracts, internal joint ventures and banking activities with emphasis on insurance and indemnity issues 

  • Acting on a number of commercial transactions relating to a patented shipping container fumigation and extraction system, including a joint venture with a large stevedoring company and a supply and services arrangement with the Australian Customs Service 

  • Advising on the acquisition of a chain of retail businesses, including comprehensive due diligence and contract negotiation 

  • Advice on appropriate business structures, seed and angel funding procurement, corporate governance and regulatory matters for various Australian high-tech companies 

  • Providing Company secretarial services and compliance advice to a recently ASX-listed pharmaceutical company

     HEAD OFFICE:                                                   NORTH SHORE BRANCH:                                            NORTH SHORE                                                CENTRAL COAST

     Suite 1203/370 Pitt                                              Suite 19, 25-29 Hunter                                                   INTERVIEWS:                                                    BRANCH: 

     Street SYDNEY NSW                                          Street                                                                             Ground Floor, 465 Victoria Avenue                     53 Renwick Street

     2000                                                                     HORNSBY NSW 2077                                                  CHATSWOOD NSW 2067                                  WYOMING NSW 2250          

     Tel: 61 9267 7311                                                Tel: 61 2 9477 6800                                                        Tel:61 2 9413 2600                                            Tel: 61 2 4328 4240

     Freecall: 1300 732 887                                      Email:                                                Website:

     GFM Law Pty Ltd t/as Goldrick Farrell Mullan ABN 72 003 962 150 

     Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. Legal practitioners employed by GFM Law Pty Ltd are members of the scheme.


        Copyright Goldrick Farrell Mullan Lawyers 2024    |      All rights reserved      |     Disclaimer

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