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Vincent Goldrick

Contact Details

Office:  North Shore & Central Coast

Phone: +61 2 9267 7311  



Commissioned as Coroner NSW 1982

Bachelor of Legal Studies Macquarie University 1983   

Solicitor, Attorney & Proctor Supreme Court of NSW 1985  

Solicitor of the High Court of Australia 1985 

Accredited Mediator and Conciliator 2005  

Supreme Court of NSW Costs Assessor 2005

Dust Diseases Tribunal of NSW Costs Assessor 2005 

Dust Diseases Tribunal of NSW Contributions Assessor 2007 

Notary Public NSW 2010

Vin Goldrick has over 37 years legal experience, firstly in the NSW court system and then as a solicitor.   

He studied Law at Sydney University for two years before completing his Law degree at Macquarie University. 

He gained valuable experience working as a clerk in the Local Courts of NSW for five years including two years as a Coroner in country NSW. 

He worked for the Workers Compensation Commission of NSW advising both workers and employers, conducting prosecutions and defending claims involving uninsured employers. 

His first job as a solicitor in private practice was with Sydney law firm, White Barnes & McGuire, where he gained experience in a wide range of litigation including motor vehicle claims, catastrophic injury litigation, coronial inquiries, defamation and industrial matters. 

In 1988 he set up his own law firm at Parramatta under the name Goldrick & Associates and developed a broad-based property, probate and litigation practice. 

After David Farrell and Barry Mullan became partners the firm’s name was changed to Goldrick Farrell Mullan, the Head Office was moved from Parramatta to Sydney and the range of legal services was greatly expanded. 

Vin now acts for private, corporate and government clients in a wide range of transactional and litigated legal matters. 

He has a special interest in the area of toxic torts. Vin regularly represents several NSW statutory authorities and managed insurance funds before the relevant NSW courts and tribunals in this area of litigation. He has a detailed knowledge of the claims resolution procedures involved and has an envied record in the cross claim recoveries on behalf of his clients. He has also represented his clients at the Special Commission of Inquiry into the James Hardie Group and has conducted detailed legal audits for several large organisations in relation to these areas of risk.

He has been instrumental in developing the firm’s branch offices across Sydney and manages our integrated network of consultant lawyers. 

He welcomes contact from potential clients to discuss the right lawyer for their circumstances.

     HEAD OFFICE:                                                   NORTH SHORE BRANCH:                                            NORTH SHORE                                                CENTRAL COAST

     Suite 1203/370 Pitt                                              Suite 19, 25-29 Hunter                                                   INTERVIEWS:                                                    BRANCH: 

     Street SYDNEY NSW                                          Street                                                                             Ground Floor, 465 Victoria Avenue                     53 Renwick Street

     2000                                                                     HORNSBY NSW 2077                                                  CHATSWOOD NSW 2067                                  WYOMING NSW 2250          

     Tel: 61 9267 7311                                                Tel: 61 2 9477 6800                                                        Tel:61 2 9413 2600                                            Tel: 61 2 4328 4240

     Freecall: 1300 732 887                                      Email:                                                Website:

     GFM Law Pty Ltd t/as Goldrick Farrell Mullan ABN 72 003 962 150 

     Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. Legal practitioners employed by GFM Law Pty Ltd are members of the scheme.


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